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Il Giardino Arcano
Arcane Garden

From 23 July to 1 August for the entire period of the Festival from 9.00 pm onwards, divinations at the stone circle in the grove, with the Priestesses of the Arcane Garden.


Every evening at the end of the concerts to close the evening, from 23 July to 1 August Vassago will animate the evenings of the Festival, with focogiocoleria shows.

I Raccontabosco
I Raccontastorie

Friday 30th July from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm, "I Raccontastorie" of the Circle of Fairy tales, will entertain children, teenagers and dreamers with bardic, fairy and Irish tales. Curated by Fairy Rainbow of MacAjvar.

At the Stone Circle.

Katia Simonetti
Katia Simonetti

Sunday 25 July from 10.00 to 20.00, II Triskell Bodypainting Contest. Body painting event on models, by expert bodypainters. Evening parade on the stage and award ceremonies as per regulation. Theme: "The travels of Bren-Dante" , connected to the travels of the Poet Somme in the Divine Comedy and those of San Brendano, very similar in the visions.

See Body Painting page.

Fata Foglia
Leaf Fairy.jpg

from Friday 23 July to Sunday 1 August , the return of Fata Foglia.
Erika Fumagalli, aka Leaf Fairy, will charm travelers in the paths of the Boschetto by surprise and will accompany the ritual of Lughnasad (Lammas), with the sound of her magical Celtic harp. With its iridescent wings and its dress that recalls the colors and the charm of nature it will not fail to amaze, and the improvised notes coming from the Celtic harp will be a vehicle for well-being, relaxation and inner peace.

Fata Foglia will hold the Celtic harp stages on Sunday 25 July in the morning, and for the first time, individual Arpatherapy sessions, to release stress, tension and for the harmonization of subtle bodies.

Il Labirinto Sacro

From 23 July to 1 August , every evening from 21.00.

Unmissable is the highly requested Sacred Labyrinth at the 3 Archi, which will be built and guarded by its guardian Furio.
In the Ancient World, the "unicorsal" Labyrinth, which goes in a single direction, represents the Great Goddess, the universal creative energy, and its Center is the place of rebirth and renewal. At the point of entry, be silent by focusing on one intent, then ask inwardly for permission to enter. Always in silence and with a slow but steady pace, walk the path, never stopping and paying attention not to go off the path, keeping your intent in mind. Once in the center, you can stop for a few minutes: close your eyes, and focus on the magical energy you perceive. Then, repeat the path in reverse, being careful not to go off the path, keeping an attitude of gratitude inwardly. On the threshold before leaving the Labyrinth for good, turn towards the center and give thanks. At this point you will receive your Oracle, which will answer your question, your intent, choosing it with an open heart and closed eyes. For any clarification, you can ask the Priestesses of the Sacred Area or its Guardian.

Compagnia San Giorgio e il Drago
Saint George and the Dragon

Saturday 31 July from 15 to 17.00 , great entertainment for children with the involvement of some parents. The much sought-after Harry Potter is back , with new adventures. 1st part

Sunday 1 August from 11 to 13.00 , Harry Potter . The great animation for children continues with the involvement of some parents. 2nd part.

Sunday 1 August from 15 to 17.00 , and after Harry Potter, another themed animation could not be missing, The Witch Hunters . For the first time presented in Trieste.

For all the animations, reservations are recommended because there is a maximum number of registrations, 120 children per session, and seats fill up easily.

A donation fee of € 8.00 per child is required.

For all the detailed information, click on the Red Tower alongside.

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