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The Clan


The "Z" MacAjvar Clan has its by now strong and lasting roots in the mists of time... It was 1997 when Wolf flashed the idea of somehow reuniting his closest friends and girlfriends who he considered as an extended family, in a "transversal" group in which everyone could identify with. This could not be just any clan, it had to distinguish itself, so by assonance they decided to adopt the word Clanz which in the Trieste dialect indicates a country road. Finally the name: MacAjvar! (For the uninitiated, Ajvar is a typical sauce from the karst areas that is used on boiled and grilled meats).



The AES TORKOI cultural association of Trieste was born from a group of people with a common passion for history, experimental archeology and historical re-enactment.
After careful research on the uses, customs and tools of the Gallic populations of the Karst area of Trieste, Friuli and nearby Istria in the 3rd-2nd century BC, they reproduce jewels, accessories, war tools and objects of common use by hand, also starting sartorial experiments , artisanal, gastronomic as well as fencing activities thus recalling the ancient Gallic population of the Carni.



The Tre Draghi Cultural Association is a group of friends dedicated to studying and self-producing objects, clothing and weapons typical of Celtic populations who lived between the 4th and 2nd century BC in a totally artisanal way, reconstructing their activities through the setting up of historical camps during festivals and reenactments. In particular, the objective is to re-propose the life of a supra-tribal organization of warriors from continental Europe linked to the mercenary service and therefore usually forced to expeditions and movements that lead them at a certain moment to temporarily settle in the geographical region of the Eastern Alpine Arc and of the Caput Adriae (territories currently divided between Italy, Austria and Slovenia), areas at the time inhabited by various populations including the Celtic ones of the Carni, the Taurisci, the Catubrini and the Norici. In this sense, the symbol chosen for the Clan banner has great importance, defined by archaeologists as "Pair of Dragons", which is often traced back to populations of this kind.


The clan was born from Annamaria and Flavio's passion for Celtic culture and historical re-enactment, especially regarding traditional music and dances of which they become so expert that they can teach them with joy and professionalism, transmitting the fun and joy of Breton, Scottish dances and Irish. They have been an integral part of the festival for many years now, conducting workshops attended by dozens of people, from absolute beginners to expert dancers.



The Clan Lough Gur was born with the aim of living and making known the culture and spirituality of pre-Celtic Ancient Europe and the beginning of the Celtic period which was based on the awareness of the divine Essence that pervaded the entire cosmos and which, in fact generating life, was seen as a Mother, a Goddess, not in the sense of a female god but in the sense of the generating Principle from which the life-death and rebirth cycle originates, a feeling present not only in Europe but in all ancient cultures of the world. The name refers to the Irish archaeological site of Lough Gur, a place inhabited from the Neolithic to the late medieval period, where both megalithic circles and Celtic remains are found. The totem animal of the Clan is the Otter, which represents the primordial feminine energy of Life, and its elements are earth and water. The head of the clan is Denise Cannas, a European pagan shaman, who bears the testimony of ancient pre-Christian European spirituality throughout Europe, also as leader and frontwoman of the Uttern group, but there is also the figure of the Druid, as she wants to represent the meeting between the pre-Celtic megalithic culture and the spirituality of the Celtic culture and the integration in the latter of the cult of the Goddess.


The Trumusio Clan was officially born on June 12, 2021, from a group of old friends, all with the same identical interest in the history, customs and traditions of the Celtic world. Katia, the creator of the Clan, organizes a Celtic event together with the members in Calalzo di Cadore at the Lagole lake, born to pay homage to the divinity that was celebrated by the Celtic people right at the lake, indeed, that lake (delle Tose), which shortly thereafter it would become a point of connection for those friends, "TRUMUSIATE". With respect and devotion, that Latin name which has the number 3 -tr- in its root and also the unit -mus- which describes the link with humidity and water of that area in question indicated as the triform, the triple, Katia adapts it in TRUMUSIO. The motto of the Clan is: "Nothing happens by chance", their beneficial and symbolic plant is "the hawthorn" and as a totemic animal, they have chosen "the fox", an animal that accompanied them to Lagole lake for the first time. The clan offers many activities: from manual workshops to musical ones, from Irish dance workshops to creative workshops for children, divination with runes and the most famous unions with Celtic rite celebrated by Katia "Bridge".


The Tre Archi Clan originated in 2022 from the desire of Àrtos, the Guardian of the Sacred Labyrinth, to preserve the legacy left by previous editions of the Triskell Festival. Over the years, initially alone since 2017 and then together with new members, Àrtos has maintained the Sacred Labyrinth of the Tre Archi (Three Arches) as a meeting place for those who wish to traverse an inner path that draws closer to the Mother Goddess.

"Skiant Nerz Karantez” – Uther Pendragon Cultural Association © 2024

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