On March 17, 2011, ECQUE - European Celtic Quality Events - was born - a consortium that brings together seven of the main Celtic festivals in Italy that promote Celtic art, music and culture.
The intent is to offer, through an immediately identifiable "quality mark", the guarantee of being in the presence of events with certain requirements in terms of organizational, artistic, cultural and service quality. This quality guarantee is assured to the interlocutors / spectators of Celtic themed events in our country: participants, public institutions and private companies.
Today more than ever it becomes important to immediately communicate the nature and quality of what you come in contact with, and ECQUE is the answer for the Celtic quality events organized in our country, open to international collaborations.
The requirements that are certified by the ECQUE seal, and therefore recognized at those Celtic quality events, are:
Events whose primary objective is the dissemination of Celtic culture and the local culture connected to it, through the different types of events in which the festival is articulated (music and dance, conferences, stands, stages, historical reconstruction);
Absence of any form of political, party and religious connotation within the festival;
Enhancement / Respect / Conservation of the places where the festival takes place, with particular reference to sites surrounded by nature;
Professional organization, even if not professional, with particular attention to the aspects of cultural volunteering that deals with every aspect of the event;
Proven quality public services;
Indoor and outdoor quality facilities for music, dance, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, games and general activities;
Presence of national and international artists of recognized artistic value;
Willingness to advertise the festivals that display the ECQUE seal and collaborate with them through every possible method;
The seven founding festivals of ECQUE - European Celtic Quality Events (which recognized the eligibility requirements) represent six Italian regions and are, from west to east:
Celtic Valley of Aosta
NovaAria Novara for Piedmont
BustoFolk of Busto Arsizio (VA) for Lombardy
Celtic Magic Pergine Valsugana (TN) for Trentino
Celtival Giavera del Montello (TV) for Veneto
Triskell Trieste for Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Since 2012, the Swiss Festival of La Tène has also joined the ECQUE and, finally, the Fairylands Festival in Guidonia (RM), Lazio.
These events have represented for many years, realities of absolute excellence in the panorama of national events and have brought together an impressive number of participants, estimated at about 250/300 thousand units, thus becoming the promoters of a truly personalized phenomenon with significant effects on the system economic situation of the localities concerned.
Our "system of events" cyclically offers the performance of hundreds of high-level artists from all over the world and effectively promotes, through the implementation of conferences, exhibitions, seminars and stages, the widespread dissemination of culture, history, archaeological and ethnographic.
Our initiatives contribute to the development of quality craft activities and, by re-evaluating the fantasy and creative dimension, through important moments of aggregation, favoring socialization and the participation of the whole family unit in pleasant opportunities for leisure and cultural growth.
Furthermore, within the same organizations of each individual event, a virtuous mechanism is created for the voluntary involvement of hundreds of young and old, engaged in creative and organizational activities, which plays a further important educational and aggregative role, in addition to be a reason to develop a "know-how" that opens up to the world of work.
This huge transversal involvement of people of all ages and all social strata, spread throughout northern Italy, generates not only the cultural phenomenon, but also a clear impact in terms of economic growth on the territory, acting as an engine for numerous activities. related to local resources, be they cultural, environmental or tourism.
Since its foundation, the ECQUE - European Celtic Quality Events association, given the importance in terms of size and quality of the events involved, does not want to limit itself to national borders but has set out to create contacts and prerequisites for a fruitful exchange of experiences at European level, through a complex series of connections with equally prestigious events taking place in other nations or territories, where the promotion of Celtic culture is strong, first of all Brittany, Scotland, Ireland and England with their ten-year international festivals. In this sense it is desirable and realistic to soon extend the group to supranational realities in order to acquire an even more important dimension to the initiative.
The objectives set through a series of synergistic coordination policies are those of further growth and promotion of individual events that will benefit from the advantages linked to a system policy, in terms of organizational promotion and exchange of experiences also at an international level.
ECQUE - European Celtic Quality Events - immediately, therefore, as an interlocutor of primary interest, both for public institutions and for private economic realities, which far exceeds the value of individual events, even if relevant and important.
ECQUE - The European Celtic Quality Events is the expression of that European Celtic heritage which since ancient times constitutes the substratum on which the Europe of modern peoples can weave its common cultural ties and grow in terms of awareness of the united continent .