The Conferences
Saturday 22 June at 6.00 pm Conference "Return to the world of megaliths". The fascinating buildings from the prehistoric era. With Fabio Calabrese, scholar, researcher and writer of fantasy books. At the stone circle.
Sunday 23 June at 6.00 pm Conference "Return to the world of megaliths. Part two". With Fabio Calabrese, scholar, researcher and writer of fantasy books. At the stone circle.
Monday 24 June at 6.00 pm Conference "The Celts in Friuli Venezia Giulia: History, habits and customs of the ancient Celts in our areas". With Massimo Cenni of the association. cult. Aes Torkoi. At the stone circle.
Tuesday 25 June at 6.00 pm Conference "Who were the Druids: Priests, mystics, fortune tellers, healers, legislators, etc. Let's clarify who the Druids were in ancient Celtic societies and what they did". With Massimo Cenni of the association. cult. Aes Torkoi. At the stone circle.
Wednesday 26 June at 6.00 pm Conference "Divinity, sacred symbolism, totemic animals, medicinal herbs and Celtic rites: Let's take a journey to discover the spirituality, mysticism and rituals of the ancient Celts". With Massimo Cenni of the association. cult. Aes Torkoi. At the stone circle.
Thursday 27 June at 6.00 pm Conference "Cult of the Mother Goddess", on "Neo-Paganism", on "Witchcraft", on "Wicca". Journey through the religions, cults and beliefs associated with the Celts from antiquity to the modern era. With Massimo Cenni of the Aes Torkoi cult association. At the stone circle.
Friday 28 June at 6.00 pm Conference. "Woman in ancient Celtic culture, between history and myth: conference on the civil and social aspects of the role of women in the civilizations of ancient times, with particular attention to the Celtic context". With Massimo Cenni of the association. cult. Aes Torkoi. At the stone circle.
Saturday 29 June at 6.00 pm Presentation/Stage on the "Hurdy-gurdy", with Michalina Malisz, voice of Lyrre (former hurdy-gurdy player of Eluveitie), in English. Presentation of the instrument with practical tests by the participants and short lessons on the approach to the hurdy-gurdy. At the stone circle.
Sunday 30 June at 6.00 pm "The proto-historic castles and the arrival of the Celts". A study on the presence of the Castellieri in our territory. Conference organized by Lidia Rupel of the Friulian Society of Archaeology-Julian section, co-author of the book "The Castellieri of the province of Trieste". At the stone circle.
All conferences are open and free to attend