Interactive games
St. George and the Dragon at the Triskell Celtic Festival, for a weekend of truly interactive gaming.
The "San Giorgio e il Drago" company has been creating educational projects since 1989, making available the material, costumes and sets. There will be two days dedicated to children aged 5/6 to 14/15 who, first dressed and "armed" properly, and then will find themselves immersed in the world of Harry Potter to carry out incredible and unprecedented missions, using magic and blows scene and with the involvement of some parents!
Reservations are recommended due to the rapid exhaustion of available places (max 120 children per session).
different topics in two days,
for an exceptional weekend.
To register for the sessions of the interactive games, just make a donation of € 10
to support the animators, for the two hours of play, which includes dressing.
If you wish to enroll your child in more than one game, you will therefore need to indicate the fee multiplied by the number of games (1, 2, 3 or 4), taking care to subsequently send the data and details of the enrolled child by email: name, surname , age and which session he will attend (whether morning or afternoon, one or both days)
Make a transfer with this reason:Donation for Potter animation (or Ring), to the following IBAN IT 25B 054 8402 200C C004 1002 619 made out to ass. cult. Uther Pedragon Bank of Cividale fil. of Trieste.
Those from Trieste will be able to reserve their place at the New Age Center in via Nordio 4/C, headquarters of the association, during shop hours: from Tuesday to Saturday 10-13 and 15.30-20.00, and at the Triskell infopoint until out of seats.